Speaking in Texas

Welllllllll. I am currently in Flower Mound, Texas. I had the wonderful privilege of being with Dr. Richard Wallace and Temple Baptist Church last night. We had a great service with wonderful music and a great response from the crowd. It was great to see many old friends and to be able to preach in a GREAT church.

This morning I had the opportunity to preach to 5 Christian schools that are represented at the "David Von Erich Basketball Tournament".

Please be in prayer as I preach this evening and twice tomorrow. May God bless you! I covet your prayers! Here is the link for the church I am preaching at. http://www.templebc.org/

don't count the OLD MEN OUT

This past Monday evening we played our annual Staff versus the Varsity boys game. The boys started out killing us! By half time they were up by 19 pts....needless to say don't count the old men out. WE WON! thats all I'm saying. ITS NOT OVER TILL THE BUZZER! DON'T EVER QUIT!

start today

wellllll...2009 is upon us. The first day of a new year. I want to encourage all of you to start fresh today. Maybe last year you had committed to reading the Word and praying on the daily basis and did not make it. Well start today. Take it one day at a time. I am not a big fan of new years resolutions but I am a big fan of having goals and making and keeping commitments. So many "followers of Christ" that I know, are really good at the Sunday stuff...the exterior...the religious aspects of Christianity like going to church, pretending like your praying before you eat ect...I want to encourage each one of you to today to dive head first into a deep relationship with the Lord. The best way to do this is to walk with him. Talk to him. Meditate on His word. Have you spent time with him today? do you have the joy of your salvation right now at this moment? I hope you will not superficially live this life. But you will humbly realize that we are nothing without Him, and can do nothing without Him.

If nothing else this year remember: It's not about me. It's all about HIM. Commit this year not to pleasing some person or some Pastor but to pleasing God. I do this not by my separation from something (rules and regulations) but by my separating to something (the Lord Jesus Christ).

May this year our lives be full of Christ's peace, love, and forgiveness. May we enter each day with the fruit of the spirit in our lives: love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, temperance.