don't obsess

the more and more I minister to singles the more and more I meet people who are obsessed with finding that significant other. So often I hear things like:"Jake, I'm 23 years old and am not married, is there any hope for me?" What a terrible way to view life. I want to encourage anyone who is reading this to remember to be patient and wait patiently upon the Lord. I have never met one person who waited on getting married and regretted it. I have met many that rushed into it and did.

This can apply to any area of our lives. Our love life. Our financial life. Our work life. Our recreational life. Our spiritual life. Ohhhhhh i forgot...all parts of life are spiritual.

God is sovereign and is in control. He always provides for us...doesn't He? Oh you only believe that when it's someone else...huh....

Trust Him.

Grace and Peace


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