Some Practical Marriage Stuff

Practical Marriage Principles
1. Hug and Kiss her every morning before you leave for work. If she is sleeping kiss her on the cheek and whisper “I love you to her”
2. When driving or walking together reach over and grab her hand, and just simply hold it
3. Leave her a note on her mirror on a sticky note or him a note on his dashboard, just something simple like “I Love you” or “your beautiful” or have a great day”
4. Leave a voicemail for your spouse just thanking them for being in your life
5. Go an entire day without saying any negative comment to them
6. Go to bed together at the same time
7. Turn off the television and just talk
8. Send her an email or a text randomly involve in conversation
9. Make sure she NEVER has to pump gas
10. Work together on household chores
11. Put down the paper, or the remote, turn off your computer and ask her to go for a walk
12. Have a daily prayer time together (men, lead her to do this)
13. Feed each others ego


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